For those of you who may not know, the house in which we live was first inhabited by my maternal grandparents. Actually, it's nickname "the cabin" was originally given to it by my grandmother. Out front are two lovely rose bushes that she planted and tended. They were gifts from her children. Grandma loved roses, and they seemed to love her too, as they always bloomed beautifully under her loving care. I have many memories of going to visit her as a little girl when she lived in town. Once her roses were blooming she would always send me home with one; the stem wrapped in a dampened paper towel. How special it made me feel!
A few weeks ago, the five year anniversary of her death passed. I miss her very much, and feel so privileged to be able to tend these lovely roses that she left behind. But as lovingly as I may tend them, I think they still are blooming just for her.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.
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