Tuesday, April 6, 2010

From Easter Morning

I was so glad that I remembered to set the table before Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday night. It was one less thing I had to do in the morning. Just a quick trip to the garden to pick the bouquet of daffodils and everything was ready.

I blew the insides out of these eggs ( a very first for me!) and then the kids helped me paint them and decorate them with glitter. It was really a lot of fun! We painted them red in honor of the legend of St. Mary Magdalene, and Saturday night I used them to decorate the dining room wreath.

For breakfast we had boiled eggs, sausage, and these delicious hot cross buns. I didn't quite make them in the traditional manner.........I stuffed them with walnuts and cinnamon-sugar. Then I cut a cross in the top of each and placed them upside down in a pan of home made caramel sauce. They rose in this overnight in the fridge. Then all I had to do was pop them in the oven on Easter morning, and then turn them out on a nice big plate. Mmmmmmm!!!! They are especially tasty with coffee!

1 comment:

Cmerie said...

Happy Easter Kate! You are so good. And those rolls look amazing. You'll have to email me the recipe.