Friday, April 9, 2010

Who Knew

.........that an old dress would make such a spiffy pillow cover? I had been planning on giving the dress to a thrift shop, when I suddenly realized it was the exact color I wanted in a pillow for my living room. (~I had been putting off buying new pillows for the couch, because they are so expensive!) And I remembered that there was a bag of old pillows from my grandma down in the basement. Perfect!

The bodice of the dress had some lovely bead work that I just couldn't let go to waste, so I cut it into strips, and fashioned it into roses. And you know the best part? It all cost me absolutely nothing..........except the time to put it together, which wasn't much! The dress was given to me several years ago in a bag of clothes, and as I said above, the pillow was from my grandmother. Isn't it great when being thrifty works out so nicely?

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