Friday, September 24, 2010

Trying to Keep up....

These past couple of weeks have been so busy...........I feel like it's all I can do just to keep up with dishes and the laundry!!!

Poor Husband came home early from work on Tuesday with a nasty cold. He's doing much better now, but the kids seem to be catching it...... I've been trying to keep the house aired out and pillow cases and blankets washed.(~You know how it is when you have little kids sneezing all over the place. I have really been tempted to walk around in a rain jacket, rubber gloves and face mask.... )So far I haven't caught it. Hope it stays that way...

In the meantime, I find my thoughts turning quite often to the house...... Sometimes I wonder if we are crazy, and other times I am so excited I can hardly stand it! For kitchen ideas, I am seriously thinking of ordering this book. The house has a lovely big kitchen, even if it badly needs remodeling. I have a general idea of what I would like...a farm kitchen (are you surprised?) with possibly white~washed cupboards. ~I love how the lighter cupboards brighten up a kitchen and make it look so airy and clean.......And speaking of clean, I know lighter cupboards will show the dirt easier, but in a way I like that because I will be able to see where the dirt is right away, and thus keep a cleaner kitchen.(Yes, I will admit that I am a bit lazy sometimes and if I don't see the dirt, even if I suspect it to be there, I will let it go because I know I can get away with it;) I really can hardly wait to share pictures of the place with you all. Unfortunately it looks like it will be another month at the very least before we are able to close. We are all set on our end, but there is quite a bit of surveyor and deed work that needs to be done for all of the different tracts. Patience is a virtue right? In the meantime I can dream........and yet try to keep focused and practical as well. My dear husband is very handy at keeping me grounded. Whatever would I do without him?!!!!

So, here I will leave you, till next time. Remember the dishes and laundry I mentioned earlier? They are glowering at me as I type..........

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