Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Comfort Food

I made this savory~chicken pot pie last night. Just threw together some veggies, chicken and a roux for the filling, and then tucked it all inside my favorite pie crust recipe. Love it when something thrown together comes out so well!

Anyways, pie crust can be such a bear, and I thought I would share this recipe ~which I stumbled across somewhere. It has always turned out perfectly for me.........unlike so many others;)

You will need:

4 cups of flour

3~1/2 sticks of butter

4 Tbs. sugar

2 tsp. salt

1 egg

1 Tbs. vinegar

1/2 cup of very cold water

Whisk together the egg, vinegar, and water. Set aside.

In a large bowl stir together the flour, sugar, and salt 'til blended. Cut in the butter, 'til mixture resembles coarse crumbs. ( Or, if you have a heavy duty mixer you can put the flour, sugar, salt, and butter together in a bowl and beat 'til mixture resembles coarse crumbs........it's much easier, and what I always do!) Add remaining ingredients and blend (again, with the mixer, if you like) until it just forms into a ball.

Chill for fifteen minutes or so, to ensure that it will roll out easily! Then roll out and use as needed.

~Makes the top and bottom of a pie, or two individual pie shells.

~Don't forget to brush with an egg wash to make it extra pretty.........but only if you have time, which I didn't last night! ;)

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