Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lent: Day Seven

"For the Saint the surrender to God is a tremendous fling of the heart, comparable to a leap into the fire of eternal Love, to burn with its heat, to take the radiance of its light, to dance in the dancing of its flames.

For us it is a more secret thing, but none the less miraculous for that. It means that we begin to be able to enjoy life, and gradually gain in strength of spirit until we can enjoy everything. It is as secret and as real a thing as the change of the bread and wine on the altar to the Body and Blood of Christ; no one sees any change, no one sees anything happening at all, but it does, and what happens is a work of God, a work of God which is incomparable and happens over and over again, all over the world, every day.

So it is with us. If we offer ourselves, and let God transform us into Himself, we see the world with Christ's eyes, rejoice in it with His zest for life, love it with His Heart."

~Caryll Houselander,
in A Rocking-Horse Catholic

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