Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Lesson in Cross~stitch

I blush to admit that I first started this project over ten years ago! But I fished it out of my collection of unfinished objects (UFOs;) a few weeks back, and am determined to see it through to completion. It has become a relaxing Sunday~afternoon occupation.
As I sat at it this past Sunday, I was suddenly struck by all of those tiny crosses. They are what daunted me the most, when I first began it. Sometimes I couldn't see the beautiful picture for the crosses. I allowed them to overwhelmed me, and I eventually gave up.
It can be like that with life. So many times I let myself be overwhelmed with all the little things ~all the little crosses~ that are a planned part of the fabric of my vocation......a part of my life. If I would only stop to remember that they are creating a beautiful picture, though I cannot yet see it. It doesn't matter how many years it is in the making. What matters is that I never give up.

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