Thursday, May 5, 2011

On Houseplants

"It makes sense to choose houseplants that like the conditions in your home and your lifestyle. For instance, cacti like warm sunny rooms, while ferns and ivy are shade lovers. If you tend to overwater azaleas will be quite happy with this, and bromeliads are tolerant when you forget.

Plants need feeding regularly to encourage them to flower, produce new roots, and maintain healthy leaf growth. And do talk to your plants by all means ~you are breathing carbon dioxide on them, which they need in order to survive. You can look out for pests and diseases or signs of stress, too.

As well as looking good, houseplants help increase feelings of relaxation and wellbeing, absorb toxins such as carbon monoxide and VOCs, and help you to breathe more easily. They also release more than 90 percent of the water you give them, helping to humidify the atmosphere."

~Natalia Marshall, in Good House Magic

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