Friday, September 2, 2011

Knitting Again

My Knight in S.A.'s Grandmother kindly copied out the instructions for a new kind of knitted dish cloth when we were out visiting. It kept my fingers busy for the majority of the long car trip home. I am currently working to complete my third cloth ~fitting in a row here and there between laundry and housework. But  this third one is a bit of an experiment...... (You know me.....always experimenting;) I am trying a knit-purl configuration instead of just straight knit. So far, I really like it!

For anyone who may be interested, here are the original instructions:

Cast on four stitches-
Row 1 - knit
Row 2 - knit 2, Y.O., knit to end

Repeat  Row 2 until there are 48 or 52 stitches.

Decrease rows next.
Knit 1, Knit 2 together, Y.O., Knit 2  together, Knit to end.
Continue until just four stitches remain, and cast off.

*The recommended needle size is a US#10, paired with 100% cotton 4 ply yarn.


Cmerie said...

I'm not a knitter (although someday I hope to be) so I'm pretty much lost in all this. BUT, an older friend gave me a pile of knitted dishcloths when we were married and I love them. One day I'll make my own and when that happens I'll come back here and follow your instructions. :)

Kate said...

Once you start knitting, Cmerie, I know you'll love it. I just learned about two years ago.....and I always claimed that I would never have the patience to learn something that appeared(to me)to be so monotonous and confusing. Ha! The joke's on me! And yes, knitted dish cloths are the best. Actually, that is what started me knitting. My Knight's grandmother made me one, and I found myself thinking that just maybe I could do a small project like that. So I asked mom to show me, and here I am!

Cynthia Berenger said...

Hi, Kate~

I'm glad that you enjoyed your trip and returned home safely. I would love to see a photograph of the finished work.

Agape always,

Kate said...

Thanks, Cynthia! It is good to be home again. I will post a picture of the dish cloth for you when I get a chance ~I finished it today, and was really happy with how it turned out.

God bless!