Monday, September 5, 2011

Lovely Labor Day....

We had a bit of a cold snap come through last night. After the 90+ degree weather we've been having lately, it feels so wonderful. We sat out around a campfire last night, and this morning when we woke up it was downright chilly (around the mid-50's)! I made waffles with homemade blueberry sauce (which I livened up with a bit of Benedictine Liqueur,.....mmmmm!) and fried eggs. Weather like this makes me want to bake pumpkin pies....and homemade bread.....and cinnamon rolls. It makes me want to stir up a big pot of chili, drink apple cider, dance through a pile of dry leaves, sit in my chair and knit and knit and knit........or curl up with the kids on the couch with piles of warm fuzzy blankets and good books. ~Oh yes, and how could I forget? ~lots of hot tea!

My Knight smiled at me with tolerant affection when I was rattling all this off to him at breakfast....... ~Such a patient man! ;)

Hope you all have a wonderful labor day!

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