Tuesday, October 18, 2011


If I were a fairy, I most certainly would fashion a gown from one
 of the blue morning glories just outside my kitchen window.
(Miss Posy says hers would be made from one of the pink.)

And I would make a pair of delicate slippers
from two snap dragon blossoms.
(Miss Posy says she would too.)

A spider's web would make a most beautiful shawl....
but as the weather is turning chilly, I think I would ask
a caterpillar to spin me a long cape of thick silk.
(Miss Posy agrees.)
Pretending is such fun.


José Manuel Guerrero C. said...

Hi Kate, I'd like to show you, you children and husband live Holy Week in Seville. Your precious photo reminded me of the Virgin of Montserrat.

Kate said...

Thank you for the link, Bate. I can remember my mother having a devotion to the Virgin of Montserrat. I will have to look up the story again.
