Wednesday, November 9, 2011

If You Have Ever Wondered...

whether cumin tastes well on oatmeal, let me assure you that it most decidedly does not. I made this discovery recently, and thankfully, the only portion affected was my own.
~It was all in the interest of science, of course.....;)


Cynthia Berenger said...

Dear Kate,

I alphabetize my spices and have made that early morning error myself, the cumin being the neighbor to the cinnamon. Smoky-tasting oatmeal *could* become the new food trend!

Agape always,

Kate said...

Ha! I had thought that very same thing, Cynthia ~that it might be the makings of a new food trend! But, then I tasted thank you to smoky-tasting oatmeal for me!
I have also made the opposite mistake and put cinnamon in a pot of beans.......ugh, I don't know which is worse!!!
