Friday, December 23, 2011

What I've Been Up To.....

I've been spending almost every afternoon at the new/old house:

Painting ~trying to finish up the "cutting in" part of it. I'm sure there will still be plenty left to do after we've moved in........but a good part is done.

Cleaning. ~Lots of cleaning. I've already worn one pair of gloves to shreds. And my hands are so stiff it makes typing (and piano playing:) quite a challenge. There is so much still left to be done, but I am trying not to think about it. As a good friend said, "It will all happen." And she's right. It will.

So right now, I want to forget it all and just focus on preparing for the beautiful feast of Christmas.
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Christmas and New Year. I will remember you (at least everyone I know who reads this and/or has ever commented) at midnight Mass on Christmas morning.
Please keep me and my family in your prayers.........who knows, perhaps the next time you hear from me we will be all moved in! :)


José Manuel Guerrero C. said...

You are in my prayers.
The Lord bless you.

Kate said...

Thank you Bate.


Cynthia Berenger said...

Happy Christmas, Kate! Prayers for you, especially your handsie-pandsies, and your dear family.

Agape always,

Kate said...

Thank you so much Cynthia!!!
(~My handsie-pandsies are doing much better!;)


Cmerie said...

SO excited for you! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are all moved in and getting settled. Yay! Wish we could come visit....

Kate said...

Thank you Cmerie! And of course you would always be welcome!! :)
