Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Guitar

I got out the guitar today. It's the first time I've gotten it out since the move...
..actually the first time I've gotten it out in a long while. I had forgotten how good it feels to play through the old songs.
I had forgotten how much the children love it.
Especially Boots.

It is a gloomy day.
We had rain yesterday, which washed away all of our snow, and I think we are supposed to have more rain today. I may just have to make up a big batch of play-dough. I've been promising the children I would for weeks.......and I think it may be the perfect day for it!


José Manuel Guerrero C. said...

Wowww! .... I also play guitar. With the guitar I play pop music and the cello by Bach, Beethoven, Robert Schumann, etc. ..

Kate said...

The guitar is a beautiful instrument. I play mostly old folk songs and ballads......along with a few simple self-compositions for the amusement of the children;)
