Monday, May 14, 2012

A Small Sampling.....

....of my garage sale finds thus far:

A beautiful "new" rug for the living room.

An old wooden rocking chair.
 (~One can never have enough of my opinion anyway!

A sweet little shirt for Miss Posy, with built in pearls!
As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to bring it home to her.

So there you are.....
....just a small sampling;)
Aren't garage sales wonderful?!


Cmerie said...

I found a similar rocking chair last year (I think) for $5! Wish we lived close to each other so we could go treasure hunting together. :)

Kate said...

That would be so much fun! You know, this is the third consecutive year that I have carted home an old (but very sturdy!) rocking chair from a garage sale! My poor Knight.......I just keep telling him that they will go so well on the big porch he plans to build me some day.....;)
