Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Strawberry~Volcano Mini~Muffins

They were supposed to just be Strawberry~Jam~Filled Mini~Muffins. But I got a little zealous with the strawberry jam....So I decided to call them  Strawberry~Volcano Mini~Muffins instead. The children thought they were the most amazing things ever.

One thing I have learned, which will remedy most all cooking mistakes (as far as your children are concerned;), is this:

Give whatever it is a really spiffy name.

And don't be afraid to use their favorite book characters or even authors! I know from works! ;)

(~Like Dr. Seuss's Orange Lumpy Muffins......yes.......they were pretty bad. An experiment with left~over pumpkin gone horribly wrong. Can't believe I don't have a picture. You'd have to see them to believe them. Anyways,  I came up with the name out of sheer desperation. And guess what? The children couldn't get enough of them!
~I think it might be a technique that would work for picky~eaters as well.....;) 


Cynthia Berenger said...

I appreciate your resourcefulness...and your sense of humor. The mini-muffins look scrumpty!


Kate said...

Thank you, Cynthia!:)
