Tuesday, August 21, 2012

An Unexpected Trip....

 ......a thousand miles away......

It was truly wonderful.
But it is also good to be home again.


Cmerie said...

Is it Florida? Why did you go?

Kate said...

Yes! ~And it is a bit of a long story. Several years ago my Knight's grandparents e-mailed us about some things they wanted to pass along to us that weren't really shipable. This past spring they moved to a smaller place and so really didn't have room to store them any more. We wanted to go down before they moved in the spring, but it just proved impossible. So we had decided on a weekend in September.....only to find out that it wouldn't work either and we probably wouldn't have any time to spare until around late October....or what was last weekend. So we asked them the Sunday before, knowing it was very short notice, and they declined as we expected. But then the afternoon before we had planned to leave my Knight got a message from them saying that they thought it would work after all.....if we could still do it. So, my dearest parents agreed to take the children, and we did it! It was quite a drive, but beautiful too(~I really got to work on perfecting my crocheting skills;). And we had an absolutely wonderful time with my Knight's grandparents. They really spoiled us for the day-and-a-half we were able to spend with them. Sometimes the unplanned adventure is the best.

"And now you know....the rest of the story.";)


Cmerie said...

Wow! Sounds like a fun trip. :)