Thursday, August 30, 2012

On Education....

"Education, to be real, must be synonymous with edification. Its whole purpose must be to 'bring out' and to 'build up' the man that is buried in the boy, and build him up to the gigantic stature of Jesus Christ. Secular education is not and cannot be education, because a man can never be educated unless he is 'built up' and led to God. The modern public school system, from kindergarten to state university, may teach a man how to make a living but it will never teach him how to make a life, and until a man knows how to make a life, he is not truly educated.

"Do understand me! I know that the laboratories of our schools and colleges are wonderlands of marvel and mystery. It is a good thing to have gone through them; for it is a very good thing to know about physical and chemical changes, but it is much better to know about Transubstantiation, for that is higher than any physical or chemical change; that is a miracle . . . Secular education teaches about the stars and the planets, and that is a good thing; but it does not teach about our home beyond the stars and about the Maker of the planets, and that is a very bad thing! For the first without the second might be knowledge; the first with the second is wisdom! Until we aim at this wisdom in all our teachings, we will ever be the 'blind leading the blind' and that combination never had a happy ending."

~Fr. Raymond

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