Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels...

Miss Posy and Blue are recovering from nasty colds/fevers, and for lunch we all enjoyed the last of the homemade chicken noodle soup I made yesterday. It is so good to see their appetites coming back, and a sparkle in their eyes again!

And even though today has been quite overcast, all I have to do is look outside at my yellow pansies to get the dose of sunshine I need....

I love the bright yellow. And I wish I could manage to take a picture of the wood to the north and east of our house that would do adequate justice to the trees. They are absolutely gorgeous! So many shades of red, orange, yellow, and (bits of) green. I just stand at my kitchen window and gape.... 

Hope you all have a happy feast day!

(~I didn't know that I'd be able to fit it in, but somehow or other I managed to make an angel food cake this morning, which is currently cooling on the counter. Now all I need to do is make up a batch of lemon curd to go with it. The children can hardly wait to enjoy it, and neither can I. We were discussing at lunch how it's really too bad that we can't share it with our guardian angels...;) Mmmm! )

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