Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Full, Fast Lent

I cannot believe that lent is already over.......it simply flew by! Some years it seems to drag on a bit, but certainly not this one. A few little updates: 
Big Brother and Miss Posy started piano lessons a little over a month ago, and I have been loving it. Every Tuesday morning, at eleven o'clock sharp, their teacher shows up at our door. How wonderful is that? Big Brother and I can actually play a little duet together now! What fun!

The weather has been very cold, but my crocus' are all blooming and my tulips and daffodils are coming on bravely. I can hardly wait to see them blooming.....

On Holy Saturday, along with the early evening, there came a chicken. I'm serious. None of our neighbors own chickens. And it bore an eerie resemblance to the toy chicken my Knight and I are still hiding in random places for the other to find (~It last turned up in my change purse....;), but the worst part was that it was badly wounded (~we think it must have been carried off by a coyote). Titus just watched it, most confused, and I called my Knight in a panic.......he was at the store, of course;). He calmly instructed me to put the dog in the kennel, and said that he would assess the situation as soon as he came home. I did as instructed, after giving myself a little pep-talk. Don't ask me why, but it was mildly terrifying having a wounded chicken roaming the yard. I was glad that it had gone around to the other side of the house when I went out. Poor thing. My knight decided he would have to put it down after he had examined it....seemed to be the only humane thing to do. So depressing. Like some portent of doom. I gloomily informed him afterwards that maybe it was an omen. That I'd never get any chickens. Never ever. He smiled and told me I was being silly. But I don't know......Just a week before, Blue had woken in the middle of the night crying that a chicken was sleeping on his head. ~Honestly! I suspect there is some fowl play afoot.....

So there you are!  


Cmerie said...

She is so big already! And the chicken. Poor thing.

We have some friends who live not to far from us and keep a chicken in their backyard. Last week we were over there and the husband told Alex that if he caught the chicken he could keep the egg from that day. Of course he rose to the challenge and had a hard boiled egg for breakfast the next morning as his reward. But Catherine got pecked by the chicken on that same day and is now terrified of it.

Anyway, I'm sure you will get your chickens soon. All in good time (although it is hard to be patient:).

Glad you are back to blogging after Lent. I missed your updates. Happy Easter!

Kate said...

I do hope so, Cmerie! Thank you!
