Thursday, April 28, 2016

Back Again.......

The past few days have been rainy and dreary, but haven't dimmed our memories of the days that came before ~full of sunshine and flowers, crab apple and lilac-perfumed air, 

soft green grass under our bare feet,

dinners out at the picnic table and birdsong echoing all around.

Perfect days, in every way. So we can make allowances for a few rainy days, right? After all, they help to make the flowers grow.

Our old computer finally died, and thus my long silence. It's not that I haven't had plenty to keep me busy in the interim  though;) Just trying to keep up with the big kid's schooling, managing the little people, doing the best I can to keep up around the house.......(whew!)....that leaves me pretty near exhausted most days. 
So why did I decide that now is the time to learn to knit a pair of socks?
 I must have finally snapped.

Oh well.

I wish you all could smell the blossoms on my little magnolia.
It is just gorgeous this year.
(~I got my feet all soaked with dew to run out one morning and get these pictures. I couldn't was looking so pretty!)

Well, Mim is awake, so I must go. But don't worry, I promise not to be such a stranger.
Until next time, then!

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