Friday, June 10, 2016


I had to open all the windows wide, where the rain wouldn't come in, so we could hear it.

Smell it.

The perfect way to begin the last day of this week.
The last day of school! (I feel so free!!!)
The last day I am thirty-three!
The last day (I hope) of recovery from the worst stomach flu our family has dealt with yet!

My goals today are simple:

-make a big batch of play-dough for Blue; 
he's been very patient
(and persistent;)

-bake an angel food cake to enjoy tonight 
along with Boot's first real harvest 
of strawberries.

-fill and hang out my hummingbird feeders.
( They are back! One greeted me by the front door a few days ago 
and then this morning, from his spot-of-convalescence on the couch,
Big Brother watched one hovering right above the window!)

Well, I should go get to it! 


Anonymous said...

there's something so calming about photos of rain. ♥

Kate said...

Very true!
