Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Snuggly

Wow. These past several days have been crazy! I did get two weeks worth of shopping done yesterday. And I finished washing all the laundry and weeded my front vegetable garden. That's good, right?

But remember those suitcases I was talking about in my last post?.....Well, unfortunately they are still there. A little less full than they were previously, but still there. And my bed is covered in a gigantic pile of clean laundry that somehow needs to get folded (-where are those fairy godmothers when you need them?!) before bedtime or my prince charming and I will have no place to sleep tonight. And then to top it all off, I feel like I just want to drop into bed -clean laundry or no clean laundry- and take a nice long nap. But I can't because I need to make dinner......and clean my kitchen.......and take care of the things I wrote about above.......and even a few things I neglected to mention....( -like the mysterious mold that started to grow on the children's toilet while we were away.......EEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!!!)

So there you you have it, good and bad.

Oh, yes, and if you are wondering what in the world I meant by "the Snuggly", feel free to view the picture below:

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