Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gone, and Back Again

We just got back from a two week trip out to Wyoming, and then Kansas, where we visited family and friends. It was really wonderful, and went by so fast! Now I am staring at piles of dirty laundry from the trip (somehow it multiplies, and I am always discovering more tucked away here and there........AAHHHH!!!!!), and of course stacks of suitcases that need to be emptied. And I am feeling soooo unmotivated.

Well, anyways, there you have it -why I have been missing for so long, and what I am up to at the moment. And as long as I don't get swallowed up by a giant suitcase, or buried alive in an avalanche from the ever-growing mountain of dirty laundry, I'll post something a bit more interesting tomorrow. At least I'll try.......

1 comment:

Cmerie said...

Glad you had a good trip. Coming home is never easy when you're facing the giant task of unpacking and getting caught up. I will keep you in my prayers.