Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In our old, old House.......

.....there's an upstairs room.
In the upstairs room, there's an old wooden door.
Behind the old wooden door, there's a dark narrow staircase
(~Which leads straight up to the attic........spooky, I know!).
By the dark narrow staircase, there's an old dusty wall.
In that old dusty wall, my husband found~

We are not really sure what this is... old picture frame, perhaps?
There was broken glass around it....

And old boots, beautifully made.

A child's and what we think was a lady's.
They are each a right-footed boot.

We think they must have been stored on the stair,
and that just the right boot of each pair got knocked off into the wall.

If they could only talk,
I wonder what stories they could tell........

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