Friday, May 18, 2012

My Mother's Day Gift.....

As many of you know, I love hanging the wash out on the line. Back at "the cabin" there was a lovely umbrella clothes line that I was able to use, but when we moved here....nothing. For weeks, I had my eye on this, and told my Knight that I would love nothing more for Mother's Day.  Weeks went by and nothing was said. I resigned myself to waiting til the summer.....or maybe even later. Our budget is a bit tight right now, what with all the "restodling" we've been doing.

However, a few days before Mother's Day a great big box arrived!
And my Knight got it all set up this week (~he had wanted to put it up before Mother's Day, but circumstances beyond our control prevented it).

Isn't it the most beautiful thing you ever saw?!
I told him I 'd take it over a thousand diamond necklaces any day (not that he was planning to get me any!;) and he laughed at me.......but said that is one of the reasons he loves me so much.

The morning after he poured the cement, I couldn't wait and just had to run out and see how it was drying.
And my heart melted away when I saw this: 

He'd carved it with his pocket-knife and said he wasn't able to do a very good job of it because it was getting dark.
I think it is perfect.
It's the little things like this.
One of the many reasons I love him so much.


Cmerie said...

Yay for clotheslines! Isn't it funny how the perfect gift seems to change as we get older? This year I had many things on my want list, none of which included jewelry. :) I got spoiled and got two of them, which included new sheets for our bed (our old wedding ones had just recently ripped) and a lovely large wooden cutting board.

Now when you hang your clothes, you can be reminded how much he loves you. That's romance! :)

Kate said...

It's so true, Cmerie!

Hope you have a lovely weekend!
