Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Everyday Things.....

Do you see those lovely purple blossoms?! My wisteria is blooming for the first time ever and I couldn't be happier! Pretty much every day I have to walk out to the arbor and gawk at it for a few minutes. (Never mind that those are the only blossoms on the whole vine!) Simple pleasures......

I was able to harvest a nice bit of rhubarb this month. It really went crazy this year, and is dominating  one end of my little herb garden.

Mim just loves being outside. She is unstoppable, and wears us all out just trying to keep up with her!
Not to mention her own little self.

After a morning out, it's hard to stay awake through lunch! :)

I happened upon Boots, very focused on his piano practice, while these two sat on each side of him.
So I had to run for the camera.

Mim, of course, couldn't keep her little fingers off the keys,
but he didn't even seem to notice.

He is such a good big brother.

Ah, and one last little thing!

After almost twelve years of marriage, I am now the proud owner of a bona fide sifter!

It's one of my latest Goodwill finds!  I had always made due with the metal strainer down there on the left, because I wanted to find myself a nice old fashioned vintage one, like I grew up using.

I think it cost me a dollar.
And I couldn't be more excited to use it.

Simple pleasures.......:) 


Cmerie said...

Beautiful Kate! Its amazing how the simplest things are those that combine to create contentment. Will you be venturing out west this summer?

Kate said...

You are absolutely right, Cmerie!

We are planning to head out west again this summer. It's looking like we will be there through the very tail-end of July and first part of August this time. Still need to iron it all out with the family though. Are you also considering a trip?

I need to write or e-mail you again one of these days ~it's been ages!
Hope you all are well, and enjoying a beautiful spring!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, wisteria! ♥♥♥ it's one of my favorite things ever, though i doubt we could get it to grow in our mountains. but i love it so.

and that baby! so sweet!

Kate said...

I love wisteria so much too, Leas! I planted it next to the arbor my Knight built for me a couple years ago, and it is really starting to climb all over it now! Can't wait to see what it looks like next spring!!!

Ah yes, our sweet little Mim.......:)
