Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Dramatic Skies.....

........have served as the backdrop to an old battered quilt that I hung out on the line this afternoon.
The rush of wind and whispering of leaves, have been sounding through our barely-opened windows ( ~brrrr! It's chilly!)  and magnificent clouds, fluffy white, dark and glowering, have been racing above all day.

But no rain.

And the flowers need it.

My alluim are all done now. 
They remind me of the big huge fireworks over the park on the Fourth of July.

I do still have a few irises.

And my columbine are running riot among my lilies, in spite of the lack of rain!

I do miss the little lily of the valley,and their fragrant little bells!
Such a pleasure to weed around and walk past.
They have long since faded, as a true May-flower should.

And so many peonies this year!
I only took a picture of the whites , but Miss Posy and I filled vases full of pinks and crimsons as well.  The house has been filled with their perfume.
And the bushes are still loaded!!!!

God was so good to make so many beautiful flowers.

I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy as many of them as I do!


Cynthia Berenger said...

You are an amazing photographer. The perspective in these photos is breathtaking.


Kate said...

Thank you so much for your kind words, Cynthia!
I hope you and yours are well! If only you were nearer, Miss Posy and I would share our peony-bounty with you! :)

God bless!
